Antitrust Litigation Support
Special Investigations Group provides you with the best investigators with real-world experience
in all aspects of antitrust litigation support. Our investigators collect fact-based information admissible in state and federal court systems throughout the United States and are a "must have" for anyone facing arbitration, appeals, or multi-jurisdictional antitrust litigation.
Common Anti-Competitive Practices
Collusion (including formation of cartels,
price fixing and bid-rigging)
Product bundling and tying
Exclusive dealing
Dividing territories
Predatory pricing
Which of the following corporations has not been involved in an anti-trust case?​
A.) Ford Motor Company
B.) Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
C.) Proctor and Gamble, Inc.
D.) Morton Salt
E.) Sharp Electronics
F.) United Mine Workers
G.) Pro Football, Inc. (the union representing NFL players)
H.) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
I.) None of the above
Answer: J – Antitrust violations occur in all industries.
To learn more about our services and how we can help, please Contact Us for a free consultation.