Bribery Investigations
Accusations of bribery will negatively impact individual and corporate reputations. The public often develops their own conclusions regarding guilt or innocence of bribery charges long before the case can be resolved legally. Generally manifesting itself in business, political or government areas, bribery is generally considered a white collar crime, or theft crime.
Bribery occurs when money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust.
When people think of bribery, they usually think of the mafia, or Washington politicians, but it happens closer to home than one may realize.
A common form of bribery occurs when a corporate purchasing agent selects a vendor because that vendor provided free items to the agent. When someone gives a local official those season tickets to his or her favorite team in exchange for a favorable vote on a building proposal in the next city commission meeting, that's bribery.
Special Investigations Group will use more than 50 years of law enforcement and FBI investigative experience and training to gather, analyze, investigate and report our findings to assist your legal team in providing you with the maximum leverage in pre-trial litigation, negotiations, and if necessary, at trial.
Test Your Knowledge
On average the most expensive corruption scheme committed by employees of an organization is...
A.) Bribery and kickbacks
B.) Economic extortion
C.) Undisclosed conflicts of interest
D.) Accepting illegal gratuities
In a 2011 survey, PricewatershouseCoopers, LLC found that the direct cost reported by 1 in 5 of those who had been victims of bribery and corruption was...
A.) More than $200,000
B.) More than $500,000
C.) More than $1,000,000
D.) More than $5,000,000
Answers: A, D
To learn more about our services and how we can help, please Contact Us for a free consultation.